
San Francisco Citizenship Attorney

Providing Compassionate & Personalized Representation throughout California

The United States is a land of opportunity, and at The Law Office of Zhang, our San Francisco attorney wants to help you become a citizen of this great nation. Over the years, our legal team has helped countless individuals gain citizenship, and we can help you, too. We understand how stressful the process can be, which is why we make ourselves available to you at all times.

For a citizenship consultation, please send us a message here.  

US Citizenship Services Paperwork and American Flag

Who Is Eligible?

Before applying for citizenship, it is important to find out if you are eligible. In most cases, you will need to have a U.S. green card to apply for citizenship.

There are some exceptions to this rule but for the most part, having your green card is required. Applicants will also need to pass certain exams that test their English skills and knowledge of U.S. history and government.

Applicants must also meet the following criteria to be considered for citizenship:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have physically lived in the U.S. for at least half of the required permanent residence years
  • Have resided for at least three months in the state where applying
  • Are found to have good moral character
  • Are able to read, speak, and write English
  • If necessary, are willing to serve in the military

What Is on the U.S Citizenship Test?

Applicants for U.S. citizenship must pass a two-part naturalization test as part of the naturalization process. The first part of the test is an English test. This test assesses the individual applicant's ability to write, read and speak the English language. The second part tests the applicant's knowledge of U.S. government and U.S history and is referred to as the civics test.

Some applicants may be eligible for an exemption based on their age and time as a green card holder, or even because of certain medical conditions, but most naturalization applicants are required to take both components of the exam. The exam usually takes place on the same day as the citizenship interview, and each applicant has two chances to pass the exam.

Ready to Discuss Your Case?
Attorney Emma Zhang has a strong background in handling a wide range of immigration matters. Discuss your case with us today.

Here’s what to expect from each section of the U.S Citizenship test:

The English exam will consist of three parts:

  • Speaking test
  • Reading test
  • Writing test

Although it is helpful if you have a good understanding of the English language, have great spelling and grammar skills, and good English pronunciation, it is accepted if you aren’t perfect in some of these areas.

Reading and Writing Test

You will be using a digital tablet for your reading and writing test, which an immigration officer will show you how to use before you begin. You are free to ask any questions for clarification as you are taking the test. The USCIS officer is instructed to repeat certain words or rephrase questions at your request.

Speaking Test

During the speaking test, you will be asked questions specifically about your eligibility and citizenship application by the immigration officer in order to evaluate your ability to speak and comprehend the language. You are not expected to know or understand every word or phrase on your application.

The Civics Test

During this component of the test your knowledge of the U.S. government, and United States history will be tested. To pass this part of the test you must answer six out of ten questions correctly.

Individualized Legal Help

When applying for citizenship, it is important that you seek professional legal help. An experienced immigration attorney has the skill set required to provide you with the guidance you need throughout the entire process.

From helping you collect required documents to helping you prepare for the examinations, our legal professionals are here to help you.

To find out if you are eligible for citizenship, please contact our San Francisco attorney.

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